Burnout is a condition of mental, physical, emotional, and psychological exhaustion brought about by excessive and even prolonged stress over the course of a day. It usually occurs when you feel exhausted, mentally drained, and unable to cope with constant demands. As a result of its numerous serious consequences, it is essential to treat burnout as early on as possible. Even minor symptoms may indicate a burnout or may signal that your work requires more attention.
Some signs of burnout include feeling tired all the time, constant headaches, a feeling of being unmotivated, and having trouble concentrating. These symptoms are the result of stress over something that you perceive to be unimportant. There could also be signs of other health conditions such as a high or low blood pressure, a rapid or irregular heartbeat, or low or high blood sugar levels. These are all signs that will lead you to believe that there is something wrong with your health, but there are also signs of burnout that occur without any significant medical illness.
When you are working with your Burnout , there are five stages that can occur. They are: initial arousal, elaboration, breakdown, and withdrawal. At this stage, you must determine what caused you to enter these stages. If the cause is your work, your health, or other external factors, you must change your thinking and behavior to deal with the situation.
Initial arousal is when you have the strongest urge to continue working despite the feelings of being tired, overworked, stressed, and miserable. You need to assess yourself to identify if there is anything you can do to reverse this process. For instance, you might need to reduce stress and take up relaxing activities. If you have already reached a point where you feel like giving up, then you have already entered the first stage of burnout.
The next stage is often called elaboration. This stage is when your mind and body still have strong reactions to your negative feelings despite the fact that they are often stronger than normal. You might notice that you are becoming moodier, more irritable, tense, or depressed. You might experience physical symptoms like headaches, back pain, or skin problems. Your thoughts may be racing, your stomach might be hurting, and you might feel overwhelming stress.
The next stage is breakdown. This is when you experience a complete blockage in your thinking processes. This means that you cannot think about anything else but your negative emotions. It might be difficult to breathe, to relax, or to go for a short walk. You may feel physically weak, or you might have trouble concentrating. Your immune system might be weak, and your mental exhaustion is extremely high.
Once you have reached a point at which all your resources are being used to try to fight off your Burnout, then Burnout has actually occurred. You can do nothing to stop it from happening because you have given up on changing your negative thinking. You will not be able to change the way that you are feeling about yourself or the things that are causing you stress and therefore will not be able to end the Burnout.
While you might experience some symptoms of Burnout, it is important to understand that this process only happens when your Burnout level reaches its peak. If you only experience one or two Burnout symptoms, then that is nothing to worry about. However, if you are experiencing five or more Burnout symptoms, then it is important to begin treatment immediately. By taking the time to identify and treat your symptoms, you will be able to get back to a healthy state sooner than if you had not identified and treated your Burnout.