What Can Clinical Hypnotherapy Do For You?

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Clinical Hypnotherapy Melbourne provides a very safe and beneficial method of treatment for many psychological issues including anxiety, depression, stress and addiction. Many people are now using this type of treatment to overcome problems that have been a lifelong burden or something that has seemed to plague them for years. It is also used as an outlet for anger and pent up emotions. The benefits that many derive from undergoing a self-induced state of hypnosis are worth the effort and dedication.

Many people in today’s world are suffering from various types of anxiety disorders. This includes generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. Through hypnosis, clients are able to relieve their current mental state while addressing the issue behind the discomforts they are experiencing. From there, they begin to experience the healing power of subconscious mind. From there, they gain permanent, positive results from Clinical Hypnotherapy Melbourne.

Many individuals have reported their lives change dramatically after receiving one or two weekly treatments at the Clinical Hypnotherapy Melbourne program. They have experienced improvements in their self-esteem, improved physical health, more efficient ways of sleeping and being able to concentrate better. Many report increased feelings of well being, happiness and calmness. During the first clinical session, many clients are encouraged to make a list of all of the things in their lives they would like to improve. After those initial two sessions, most clients feel as if all the negative thoughts and beliefs surrounding their life have been dissolved away.

Eating disorders are common among those with psychiatric conditions and often accompany depression, substance abuse and/or addiction, social anxiety and panic attacks. However, those who suffer from eating disorders may be suffering from other addictions such as compulsive overeating, compulsive dieting and/or exercise disorders. As one treatment option, clinical hypnotherapy melbourne helps clients to battle their eating disorder, as well as battling the various emotions that come along with it. This process allows clients to face their issues head-on, without the fear and stress associated with medications. Eating disorders can result in weight gain, severe body image problems, loss of self-esteem and confidence, and self-harm.

Panic attacks and phobias have proven to be common among clinical hypnotherapists. While the specifics and occurrences of each case may vary, it is common for clients to learn techniques to help control their panic attacks. Panic attacks can include such incidents as heart palpitations, chest pain, dizziness, difficulty breathing, trembling, feeling faint, and even uncontrollable shaking. A client’s fear of having another panic attack can drive them to avoid getting into situations where their anxiety could reach a heightened level.

Another common reason why people seek the services of a clinical hypnotherapist in Melbourne is to overcome addiction to alcohol or drugs. Overcoming any form of addiction takes time, effort and resolve, not to mention the assistance and support that are necessary to keep a consistent lifestyle. For example, overcoming a person’s long-standing inability to stop drinking alcohol on their own is a very complex issue. The emotional, physical and psychological components involved in sobriety must be addressed and overcome.

Clinical hypnotherapy is also used to treat various phobias, such as social anxiety and phobias. Phobias are the most common mental disorders that affect millions of people. Social anxiety and panic attacks are two of the most common phobias among those who experience high levels of stress. In terms of public speaking, one of the most common fears for those who suffer from this condition is speaking in public. A clinical hypnotherapist can effectively help these individuals overcome their public speaking phobia. They may also help them conquer other common phobias such as fear of heights or the water.

If you have suffered a recent loss or trauma, you are likely to feel an overwhelming sense of sorrow or failure. This often leads to avoidance of certain circumstances or thoughts, which leads to depression and other related problems. It is believed that the loss you are feeling is a direct result of the “fear record” that is stored in your subconscious. In order to regain control of your life and regain the happiness that you once had, you will have to address the past and release all of the negative “stuff” from your subconscious. This can be accomplished using hypnosis, therapy or counselling.

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